Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust

Jericho Valley, Takitimu Ranges

The Purpose of Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust is to promote and restore Mahinga kai resources in the Waiau catchment and conduct research and projects to meet this end for the benefit of Te Ngā Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.

TWMKT aims to promote and enhance the active relationship of Ngāi Tahu people with the whenua.

Te Tapu o Tāne has commenced a portion of the planting associated with the restoration of Te Koawa Turoa o Takitimu. Our kaimahi assist where instructed by the trust to grow, plant and maintain. This project was started by our Tīpuna and holds a very special place in our hearts. To TToT, success in the Jericho Valley looks like biodiversity restored and a greater connection between TToT and the Whenua of our Tīpuna.

Project Scope

  • Plant Supply

  • Reforestation

  • Kura/school interaction

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