Our Vision / Mātāpono


Our vision is guided by Te Ao Māori, murihiku whānui enhance mahinga kai and whenua connections, tikanga, rangatiratanga and the matauranga of our tīpuna, through our mahi we will lead our communities towards climate resilience.

We navigate tough and complex challenges in landscaping and construction, wholesale nurseries, business, and strategy, to ensure the wellbeing of te taiao and the health of our people. Using Te Ao Māori knowledge, we look to our shared future for the betterment of our communities and the planet.

How do we uphold our vision – we uphold the namesake gifted by Mana Whenua. Te Tapu o Tāne translates to the sacredness of Tānemahuta, God of the forest and the protection of his tamariki the trees.

  • "Toitu te marae o Tāne, toitu te marae o Tangaroa, toitu te Iwi"

    Care for the land, care for the water, and the people will be sustained.

Our Values

Through our mahi, we will lead our people towards climate resilience by bringing forth the values of mana whenua tīpuna for a better future.

Kaitiakitaka Guardianship 
Our responsibility to care for and protect the land, water, and other natural resources, for future generations.

Tangata Whānau Family and Community
Working for our family and extended communities for the common good.

Whakahoa Partnership
Building relationships through genuine partnership and connection to others.

Manaaki Cherish and Conserve
Acting with reciprocity to cherish, conserve and sustain the land and its people.

Mahinga Kai Work the Food
Nurturing natural resources to provide value for our communities (including ecosystems and food).

Tikanga Māori Practises
Following Māori social lore and behaviours for living and interacting with others, respectfully.

Rangatiratanga Māori sovereignty
Upholding sovereignty and self-determination as whānau, hapū, iwi, and as a nation.

Mātauranga Māori Knowledge
Working with Māori knowledge, incorporating traditions, values, concepts, philosophies and world views derived from uniquely Māori cultural points of view.

Tīpuna Ancestors
Acting with respect to all ancestors, including the land.

Our Pepeha

Mai raro kā Papatipu Rūnaka e whā o Murihiku.

Mai te arataki o kā tīpuna.

Mai te tūraka mokopuna i takotoria ai

Mai kā mauka, Te Waka Tapu o Takitimu, kia puta ki uta ki tai.

Mai te tipu o te rakau, ka puta mai kā takata rakatira.

I raro i tērā korowai,

Māori mā, Pākehā mā,

Mai te taha o te moana me te ngahere,

Kā takata katoa.

Whakatere ngā wā anamata tiritahi

Mō tātou, ā, mō ka uri ā muri ake nei.

Under the cloak Ngāi Tahu Murihiku Rūnanga

Guided by our ancestors

Laying the foundation for the children yet to come

Under the sacred mountains of Takitimu, from the mountains to the sea

Just as we grow the seed, we grow the people

We wear the cloak of responsibility together

As māori and as pākehā

For our natural world

Everyone, together

We navigate towards our shared futures

For us and our children after us

Our Rūnanga

Established in 2021, Te Tapu o Tāne (TToT) is a rūnanga-owned and operated charitable company. Our owners— Ki Papatipu Rūnanga o Murihiku, mana whenua of Te Waipounamu — are Awarua, Ōraka-Aparima, Hokonui & Waihōpai. The Takiwā stretches kī uta ki tai.

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